The Arboretum Today

Matching Sign to Tree TagThe arboretum has 35 signed trees.  There are 5 additions that are in the process of being signed.  Of the 5 have identified three additional existing trees (Birch, Hemlock, Yellow Buckeye) and two planted trees (Red Maple, Witch Hazel). 

The Arboretum designated trees  are marked with a sign that specifies information about the tree, including a QR code that can be scanned with a mobile device to obtain additional information.  There is also a tree tag attached to or placed by the same tree so that the sign and tree are easily identified.

Each Sign has a QR Code that when scanned will provide additional information about the tree. It can be read from all smartphones and tablets. For the most part modern Iphones have the QR App built in. Android and others need an app to read a QR Code. Use the Google Play Store to download a Free QR Code Scanner.

Townsend River Walk & Arboretum Sign QR Code

A trail map of the Townsend River Walk & Arboretum is available to be printed or downloaded.  Use the link below.

Towsend River Walk & Arboretum Trail Map
Popular 20190607-A 289.42 KB 9538
06/06/2019 20:00:00

MarkerCommon NameBotanical Name
5Franklin TreeFranklinia alatamaha
6PecanCarya illinoinensis
7Big Leaf MagnoliaMagnolia macrophylla
8Black OakQuercus velutina
9Slippery ElmUlmus rubra
10Eastern Red CedarJuniperus virginiana
11American BasswoodTilia americana
12SugarberryCeltis laevigata
13Black CherryPrunus serotina
15Winged ElmUlmas alata
16Red BuckeyeAesculus pavia
17ButternutJuglans cinerea
18American SycamorePlatanus occidentalis
20Northern Red OakQuercus rubra
21Pignut HickoryCarya glabra
22BoxelderAcer negundo
23American HollyIlex opaca
24Carolina SilverbellHalesia carolina
25SweetgumLiquidambar styraciflua
26Eastern RedbudCercis canadensis
27FringetreeChionanthus virginicus
28Sugar MapleAcer saccharum
29American HophornbeamOstrya virginiana
30Red MulberryMorus rubra
31PawpawAsimina triloba
32Black WalnutJuglans nigra
33HackberryCeltis occidentalis
34SourwoodOxydendrum arboreum
35SassafrasSassafras albidum
36Flowering DogwoodCornus florida
37Tulip PoplarLiriodendron tulipifera
38Eastern White PinePinus strobus
39Bald CypressTaxodium distichum
40Black LocustRobinia pseudoacacia
41Green AshFraximus pennsylvanica
An Arboretum is Certified - Latest Certification in 2021

The path to the arboretum started in 2008 with members of the Tuckaleechee Garden Club meeting with Forestry Division representatives to identify trees and to come up with a method to label each of the trees to adhere to arboretum standards. After 3 years of hard work and diligence, the Townsend River Walk was certified an Tennessee Arboretum by the Tennessee Urban Forestry Council in 2011 and re-certified in 2016. 

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A PECAN TREE IS DISCOVERED! Taken September 2008 with TN Department of Agriculture - Forestry Division (Tom Simpson, who certified the arboretum originally as well as the recertification, and Nathan Waters. They helped to identify trees and suggested how to label them. From left to right, Nathan Waters, Barbara Spence, Florence Byrd, Tom Simpson, Elaine and Bob Russell.  Charlotte Miller - Photographer.