Project TRWA has been established to support the development, preservation, and maintenance of the Townsend River Walk & Arboretum for current and future generations of local citizens and visitors, by building a community of donors, volunteers, and advocates. It is dedicated solely to the Townsend River Walk & Arboretum and all donations will be used to maintain and further enhance the TRWA. Communicating and working with local residents, organizations and the City of Townsend about the TRWA has been one of its strongpoints and will continue to be into the future. The project also maintains the website, social media and newsletter for the Townsend River Walk & Arboretum.
It has been established as a Non-profit Public 501-C3 in September 2024 with EIN: 99-4696905.
If you would like to support Project TRWA you can deposit donations at the donation boxes on the kiosks at the TRWA, or you donate by cash, check, credit card or ACH by heading to our DONATION PAGE.
Additional Information on Project TRWA Coming soon.