Blount County Master Gardeners (BCMG) is a volunteer-service organization, associated with the University of Tennessee, with the goal of training volunteers who can provide the public with research based information on a variety of horticultural topics.
Some members of the Tuckaleechee Garden Club are Master Gardeners and through the efforts of these members, the River Walk is one of the ongoing projects of the Blount County Master Gardeners’ Association. The Master Gardeners have assisted in plant identification and provided research as to effective invasive tree and shrub removal, as well as identifying suitable native replacements for the invasive shrubs and trees removed. Members spend over 500 hours a year working on different aspects of the trail, including adding mulch, planting seeds and plants, removing undesirable plants, and picking up litter along the path. The Blount County Master Gardeners have made a yearly monetary contribution to the TRWA and we are very appreciative of that.
For additional information or to become a Blount County Tennessee Master Gardener visit them at: .