Kiosk Frame installed at South End of the TRWA, Replacing the Rotted Sign Posts that Were Supporting the Original Sign.
The second of two kiosk frames have now been installed, this one at the South end of the Townsend River Walk & Arboretum (TRWA). The original sign (shown) had posts that were rotting. After removing the old sign posts we were able to use one of the original sign post holes and then had to dig a second to secure the kiosk frame. A roof will be added, the open frame area will have a plywood backing and a plexiglass front to include a map of the TRWA along with important information about it, handouts for children for things like scavenger hunts and seasonal information about plants and animals in the TRWA. A smaller sign indicating the Townsend River Walk & Arboretum along with a logo and QR Code will be added on the 2 "x 8" x6' lumber below the opening where the original sign is attached.
Thanks to Rodney & Allison Pearson, Mark Seder along with our favorite helper Handley.
Rodney & Mark Getting the Frame in Place to be Cemented.
Our Favorite Helper, Handley, Finishes the Cement on the Newly Installed Kiosk Frame.