After being involved at the TRWA for more than 7 years you would have thought that we have discovered everything there is to discover.  Boy was I wrong.  Here are some examples of the discoveries made just last week.
River View Platform and Note Found in the Game TableRiver View Platform and Note Found in the Game Table.  Link to Note Below.

A visitor to the TRWA found a note that was left on our new River View platform hidden in the game storage table.  It was left by a visitor from France thanking us for the wonderful place the we have created.  What a great sentiment.  It really brought a smile to all of us.  You can read her note here:  jpgNote Left At TRWA River View Platform - Readable Image425.83 KB

 Newly Found Sassafras Tree to Become the Arboretum Designated Sassafras TreeNewly Found Sassafras Tree, by Allison Pearson, to Become the Arboretum Designated Sassafras Tree

The next discovery was by Allison as she was doing some work on the southside stairway.  While doing some brush clearing she discovered a Sassafras tree.  It is nice size so it has been there a while.  They are such slow growers. We have planted several along the top of the Late Summer/Fall garden but they are tiny specimens.   The one along the stairs will now become our designated Arboretum specimen Sassafras tree with the sign to be moved there sometime in the next couple of weeks.  By the way this is one of my favorite trees and was thrilled to see it growing at the TRWA.

 Buttonbush Along the Nurse Log on the Bluebell TrailButtonbush Along the Nurse Log on the Bluebell Trail

The last discovery was made Sunday evening while my wife and I took a walk along the Bluebell Trail watching the fireflies starting to flicker in the fading daylight.  Looking over the nurse log I spotted a Buttonbush (Cephalanthus occidentalis) plant.  We have been working on the Bluebell Trail for over a year and had never noticed it. That prior Friday Allison was telling me that we needed some Buttonbush along the trail and there it was.

If you haven't visited, it has been a while since your last visit, or you visit frequently take a good look and find those special things that may be hiding in plain sight.