As we install the new Kiosks, we are also working on the Future Home of the Pollinator Garden & Monarch Way Station and the Future Home of the Children's Discovery Garden.
Over the next year we will be moving and expanding our Pollinator Garden & Monarch Waystation to the area around the tunnel and the side grassy area along the greenway. This will involve moving many of the plants from the current Pollinator Garden and adding many additional native plants. We have been working with our local native plant grower, Milly Maples Rosenberg owner of Millers Cove Native Plants, for the fantastic selection of native plants that we will be purchasing from her.
Once the current Pollinator Garden is moved we will complete the Children's Discovery Garden. We have some great plans and ideas. Some have been implemented in the area behind the current Pollinator Garden, with the installation of the second Faerie Village and sitting logs for our storytelling area.
We are very excited about this aspect of the TRWA and hope to provide kids an area to discover nature and use their limitless imaginations. It will be a place for adults to rediscover the wonders of nature and hopefully their inner child.
More to come on these exciting projects.
We also want to give a special shout out to the City of Townsend Maintenance crew. They have been extremely helpful in and mindful of all our project plans. What a great group to work with.