Wood Spirit "The King", Bridge and Bench Along the Bluebell Trail at the TRWAWood Spirit "The King", Bridge and Bench Along the Bluebell Trail at the TRWA

The Townsend River Walk & Arboretum (TRWA) is excited to announce the opening of the newly built Bluebell Trail. A perfect walk to enjoy your extended Thanksgiving holiday.  There are still some additions to be completed but the trail is in great shape with the last major installation of steps & handrails to enter/exit the trail completed.  Allison & Rodney Pearson along with Mark Seder have planned for, designed, constructed, installed bluebells and are maintaining the trail.  A big thanks goes to these individuals that have already spent over 200 volunteer hours on the trail since June 2023.

Newly Installed Steps.  Looking Back Toward the Far End of the Bluebell Trail at the TRWA.Newly Installed Steps. Looking Back Toward the Far End of the Bluebell Trail at the TRWA.

The trail has two entry/exit points off of the main TRWA trail.  Along with a wooden bridge and 8 foot bench made from boards of the Honey Locust tree that fell earlier this year there are also: three Wood Spirits, that were donated by Suzie Holmes of Townsend; a nurse log; newly installed steps at one end of the trail; groupings of Paw Paw trees; and great views of the Little River.   Over 300 Virginia Bluebells have been planted along the trail this fall and should provide an incredible show in early Spring once they establish themselves.

A note on the steps.  The top step is actually the pavement from Old Highway 73 that was abandoned in the early 1940's.  Thanks to our careful design and engineering the top of the last step, that we built, came out even with the old road bed.  There is about 6inches of stone and soil on top of the road bed, that is actually the main trail thru the TRWA.

Wood Spirit and New Steps to the Bluebell Trail at the TRWAWood Spirit and New Steps to the Bluebell Trail at the TRWA

Rodney & Allison Pearson, TRWA Volunteers Extraordinaire.Rodney & Allison Pearson, TRWA Volunteers Extraordinaire.

If you do plan to walk the trail we ask that you stay on the trail.  We have planted many plants along the Riparian Zone (rivers edge)  of the Little River to help with erosion issues and to help make flooding less of an issue.

Enjoy your visit and if you during this season of thanks please donate a small amount to help us maintain and grow the Townsend River Walk & Arboretum.

The Nurse Log along the Bluebell Trail at the TRWA.The Nurse Log along the Bluebell Trail at the TRWA.