Early 2024 Spring Flowers are Popping Up at the TRWA. Check Out What's Blooming for Additional Bloomers.
These Bluebells planted just last year are lining our new Bluebell Trail.
The Spring ephemerals are now springing up all over the Townsend River Walk & Arboretum (TRWA). Bloodroot, Spring Beauty, Bluebells and more. It looks like it is going to be a great flower year at TRWA. Stop by for a visit, check out our What's Blooming information for what we have found blooming in the last week.
The River View Faerie Village in has Grown Immensely in 2024!
The old saying "It Takes a Village to Maintain Your Faeries" is so true. The folks from Townsend have made the River View Faerie Village their own. It has more than doubled since it was started a few years back by Allison & Rodney Pearson from an invasive Princess tree that we cut down. Since then young and old alike have: cared for, added to and have kept the Village looking fresh and new. We have one little girl that has her dad get her a bowl of water so she can bathe the Faeries. It is such a great tribute to the citizens of Townsend. We, who maintain the TRWA, can't thank you all enough.
Bluebell Trail is Almost Complete.
The Bluebell Trail that was started in 2023 is almost complete. We added the last part a small deck that overlooks the Little River this past week and will add 2 benches and railing in the next couple of weeks. The decking is made from the Honey Locust tree that fell last March. Stop by and see it for yourself. It has a great view upstream of the Little River. A big thanks to Allison & Rodney Pearson and Mark Seder for making the Bluebell Trail come to life.
Our 2024 projects under way. Log Seating set up behind what will be the Children's Discovery Garden
There is no rest for the wicked or weary and that includes the crew at the TRWA. We have big plans for this year including installing a Children's Discovery Garden which is at the site of the current Pollinator Garden. The Pollinator Garden will be transferred across the path to the hillside where the walking tunnel is located. Doing that will help with our plans to eliminate all mown grass areas in the TRWA and replace with native trees, wildflowers and native bushes. What you are see in the the above picture is log benches we created from remains of the Honey Locust Tree and behind and to the right is the start of our second Faerie Village! I am tired just thinking about all the work to be done.
We hope that you enjoy the Townsend River Walk & Arboretum. It is a 100% Volunteer Project with funds from donations and the Tuckaleechee Garden Club Plant Sale. That is only a down payment on the project we have planned at the TRWA for the community. Donations are Welcome and if you would like to donate please use our Donation Page. Every little bit helps.