Paulownia tomentosa is their scientific name, we know them as one of the most pervasive invasives in Tennessee called "Princess" Trees. We took down two 30+ year old trees yesterday that were hidden in full view at the River Walk. They were identified last year when we say their flowers and proceeded to girdle them last Summer. Yesterday we finally took them down thanks to: Doug and Marilyn Finley, Roger Rohtert and Mark Seder. Both trees were hollowing out and were a danger to visitors at the Arboretum.
We cleared some other dead and fallen trees that were either in the path or were a possible danger to visitors to the TRWA. Most of the remaining trash and other debris from the flooding of the last two weeks was also removed yesterday. A special shout goes out to Gary & Kathi Brock for cleaning up a lot of the flooding trash last weekend.
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First Princess Tree down. Perfect spot. Little damage to other trees.
First Princess Tree down. Perfect spot. Little damage to other trees.
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First Princess Tree down.
First Princess Tree down.
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Doug Finley happy that the tree fell exactly where we wanted it.
Doug Finley happy that the tree fell exactly where we wanted it.
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Doug and Roger working to finish clearing the first Princess tree from the River Walk.
Doug and Roger working to finish clearing the first Princess tree from the River Walk.
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The second Princess tree, which was almost rotted through, ready to be felled.
The second Princess tree, which was almost rotted through, ready to be felled.
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Second Princess tree meeting its final demise.
Second Princess tree meeting its final demise.
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All that remains of the Princess Trees. We will watch very closely for any suckers that try to take hold.
All that remains of the Princess Trees. We will watch very closely for any suckers that try to take hold.